Future byThom Photo Workshops

I have three scheduled workshops in Botswana, Africa that have openings:

  • April 14th to 23rd, 2024 — Kalahari Desert (one opening is available for a female willing to share a tent)
  • August 31st to September 9th, 2024 — Okavango Delta (two openings; Thom will be teaching the first and last days of this workshop, with his teaching assistant teaching the middle)
  • July 1st to 13th, 2025 — New Okavango Delta (using my revised itinerary, with less driving, more safari)

As I warned earlier, pricing has gone up for 2025—almost 12% from the 2022 pricing we've been using—as strong post pandemic demand has returned along with inflation to Botswana. Thus, if you want to get in on the older pricing, you should check out those two 2024 workshops that still have a couple of openings. I do not plan on doing any other workshops than the above until 2026. And I cannot guarantee that the 2026 workshops won't have additional price increases (though we're trying to hold everyone to their current pricing as we work through the planning).  

For those of you who were following the 2023 workshop blog and wonder why it seemed to disappear—the part that was already published is still posted, just not promoted—my teaching assistant, Tony Medici, who had been writing that blog had a serious medical issue that he had to have taken care of. I really wanted him to have more of a voice on this fall's trip blog, because he's teaching the majority of next year's similar trip. Thus I decided to let Tony fully recover before pushing him to finish the remaining days' descriptions and images. The remainder of the blog should resume soon. 

That trip, by the way, was a doozy: the September timing aligned with quite a bit of animal activity you don't always get a chance to see (see below). My different lion count hit 51, an average of 5 a day! If you're interested in getting a taste of that yourself, note that we still have openings for the similarly-timed trip next year in September (2024). 

bythom INT BOTS Savuti 923 z8 77777-Enhanced-NR

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